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Phasing out fossil fuel subsidies 'could provide half of global carbon target'

"Such a move could save the equivalent of Germany's annual emissions by 2015, says chief economist at the IEA"


Memory in the digital age

"With its unlimited capacity to store information, we should celebrate the internet's ability to enhance our collective social memory"

Category: Communications


Is nanotechnology going to send us all to hell?

"Transhumanism and eternal life are on no serious scientists' agendas, but there may still be real moral concerns around nanotech"


Is nanotechnology going to send us all to hell?

"Philip Ball: Transhumanism and eternal life are on no serious scientists' agendas, but there may still be real moral concerns around nanotech"

Category: Robotics


Plumbers unprepared for move to energy-efficient homes, report warns

"Royal Academy of Engineering says lack of necessary skills will hamper UK's ability to switch to lower carbon forms of heating"

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 371 to 375 out of 2977